Statement regarding BrewDog Affected Worker’s Platform - 30.03.22


Kate Bailey here, founder and owner of Hand & Heart.

You’re about to read some dense communication. However, I hope the content speaks to its necessity, and I appreciate your attention. I am releasing this statement today to speak to matters of public interest and to update those not on the platform who rely on public updates for an understanding of what is happening.

What Has Been Happening Behind the Scenes?

Since late February, H&H has been engaged with representatives of BrewDog, discussing the platform. This has consisted of three meetings and countless emails. During the course of this good faith contact, representatives from BrewDog asked me to create a recommendation for a reconciliation program - based on the work I had done with another beer company.

Concurrently, I was seeking feedback from platform participants about their ‘’contingencies’’ (meaning: items they would require are addressed) before they would commit to a reconciliation program. Unequivocally, outside of these contingencies, the platform participants expressed a positive view to the potential of the program and a desire to cooperate. Both the reconciliation program proposal requested of me and the contingencies were presented to the company. I was informed to expect a wait time of minimum two weeks up to four weeks for any kind of response. In ‘’normal business circumstances’’, this wait time is certainly reasonable. However, there has been a significant development that has led me to the decision to ‘’pause’’ those discussions.

While preparing for this latest discussion with BrewDog representatives, a different representative from BrewDog sought information as an individual. In doing so, the action has contradicted the ‘’good faith’’ discussions and the intentions the company expressed, that I have had with the company. I made it clear to representatives in the latest meeting I would like them to assist me to clarify this action privately, and made clear it could jeopardise the position of the platform, myself and the program recommendation they requested I create. I expressed I felt I was in a very difficult position given these two totally different approaches to the same thing. I was told no comment could be made – a position of course I choose to hear and respect. However, and therefore, I cannot avoid a response.

The Result

Myself and my company will be responding with the full extent of whatever legal recourse is available and I am working on establishing a cross-jurisdictional approach to do so. I have full confidence in my and H&H’s rights, as well as confidence in our position to respect those of others. I will be unable to comment on this further than the information provided today, until the matter is resolved. I commit to provide updates wherein it serves the public or platforms’ interests, and where I do not violate any rights.

Therefore, as it relates to Reconciliation Program discussions

I do not feel, at this time, it is possible for H&H to engage in discussions around the reconciliation program recommendation, due to this development. When and if BrewDog reaches out to continue the discussion, Hand & Heart and platform participants will require a much stronger signal of earnestness and commitment to the program and a willingness to protect its independence and integrity. I believe in light of the situation, it is fair to require this recalibration of the discussion. 

Today, as it relates to potential future discussions, I notified the representatives from BrewDog who I have been working with in good faith, of the ‘’pause’’ on the discussion and that:

‘’H&H and platform participants still advocate for the most amicable, fair, transparent and just solution for ALL parties. This hope and agenda do not change, even when things develop as they have. It is my hope the opportunity to continue the discussion is back on the table ASAP. If BD ever do want to initiate solution-driven contact as it relates to anything I have discussed today, the door is always open. If I reach I point wherein I could reach out with a view to positive progress, of course, I will.’’

I do want to be clear that this is not Hand & Heart exiting or ending the negotiations. Hand & Heart’s door will always be open as it relates to resolving this professionally and as respectfully as possible.

The Position of H&H / The Platform

H&H and platform participants still advocate for the most amicable, fair, transparent and just solution for ALL parties. This hope and agenda does not change, even when things develop as they have. The platform was created to take items out of the public arena and into a space to be professionally assessed. Any assertion of the platform existing to perpetuate false claims is refuted by its very purpose. As such, I reiterate, we want a peaceful, innovative and agreeable solution for all. It is my personal greatest hope to have H&H and BrewDog back at the discussion table.

We also reiterate the calls of PWP and the positive action community to recognise BrewDog company social platforms are not spaces to enter into and be abusive. These workers are not responsible for the actions of their leadership team. Please be mindful of this.

To The Current BrewDog Workforce

We have the utmost respect for the current workforce and to the workforce directly we say: we want BrewDog to be a thriving global organisation with a safe workplace, and a place where you can be proud to work. We have no desire for anything else, and we hope you can understand the situation. Our statements today have no relation to you, your workmanship and we believe the workforce is made up of talented and hardworking people. We respect your position in this and I hope the public record attests to this sentiment and the sentiments above.

Thank you for reading.

As you may appreciate, this is difficult to communicate about but I do feel a responsibility to the platform, participants, potential participants, and the community to be open and transparent where I can.


 Kate Bailey

MD, Hand & Heart