The BrewDog Affected Workers Platform report (Sections (2b) (3d) (4)), published 8 February 2023, details allegations of retaliation and intimidation towards workers, current and former, who have spoken out about BrewDog’s workplaces and the alleged harm these workers have experienced during employment. BrewDog, and its CEO, have, according to public record, used vast resources and existing media relationships to victimise, discredit and identify individuals who were speaking out about a toxic work culture. This includes the use of private investigators and, among other, means of intimidation, digital and otherwise.
Several individuals in the U.S., Europe and the U.K. have reported their experiences with police. In Scotland, the initial police response has been that there is no recourse through which the police can act. This is particularly true as it relates to harassment and stalking, as these are traditionally viewed as issues of domestic abuse, but also due to issues of legal personality - can a non-natural person (i.e. a company) stalk you?
The struggles of those affected in the BrewDog case is exemplary of the challenges faced by all workers. Retaliation against former employees is rising, but protections and remedies are woeful. Legitimate criticism of poor employment practices cannot continue to be allowed to be stifled by the inequality of arms between employers and (former) employees; consequently legislation and policy require review in order to ascertain how (former) employees can safely contribute to holding companies accountable for their transgressions without fear of retribution.
Retaliation Reform: Campaigning with Legislators
In many jurisdictions, the legislative process can facilitate the concerns of members of the public to be brought to the attention of governments. In light of the experiences we have detailed in the BAWPR, we will be providing resources and information encouraging people to reach out to legislators and to create stronger statutory protections for workers from acts of employer retaliation. H&H will be conducting future activities relating to retaliation legislation reform, including Government petitions and awareness campaigns.
We are asking YOU to help us on this mission of awareness and change, and have provided resources & social media assets to help you get started!
All questions, accessibility requests, concerns, comments & media enquiries:
Make it stand out
Writing to lawmakers can be tedious, but it is often the best place to focus efforts on real, systemic change.
1. Download our .WORD template, and fill out the parts highlighted in yellow (click image).
2. Export the file as a PDF, and locate your local member. For Scotland, we created a database of MSPs, which you can download and with which you can access your member’s contact details.
3. Send your email! Feel free to tag on IG and we will shout you out for your support.
4. Shout about it: Share you letter on social media, or share the assets provided on this page — even getting one more person to send a letter will help the movement greatly!
5. Follow up every few weeks, until you receive a response.
Make it stand out
Writing to lawmakers can be tedious, but it is often the best place to focus efforts on real, systemic change.
1. Download our .WORD template, and fill out the parts highlighted in yellow (click image).
2. Export the file as a PDF, and locate your local member. For the United States Congress, by using this link and your ZIP code you can access your member’s contact details.
3. Send your email! Feel free to tag on IG and we will shout you out for your support.
4. Shout about it: Share you letter on social media, or share the assets provided on this page — even getting one more person to send a letter will help the movement greatly!
5. Follow up every few weeks, until you receive a response.
Make it stand out
Writing to lawmakers can be tedious, but it is often the best place to focus efforts on real, systemic change.
1. Download our .WORD template, and fill out the parts highlighted in yellow (click image).
2. Export the file as a PDF, and locate your local member. For the U.K. parliament, by using this link and your post code you can access your member’s contact details.
3. Send your email! Feel free to tag on IG and we will shout you out for your support.
4. Shout about it: Share you letter on social media, or share the assets provided on this page — even getting one more person to send a letter will help the movement greatly!
5. Follow up every few weeks, until you receive a response.