SUper Punk Corporate meltdown


On August 9, 2022, we released the podcast Super Punk Corporate Meltdown. The podcast examines workers rights, institutional betrayal and corporate retaliation. The podcast features stories provided through a case study, in which we examine the events of the last six to seven months, surrounding the beer company, BrewDog.

You can hear all episodes of Super Punk Corporate Meltdown via:

- - Spotify - - Apple - - and wherever you get your podcast by searching the title of “Hand & Heart Media”.


Super Punk Corporate Meltdown - Production Credits

Hand & Heart extend our appreciation and gratitude to all who contributed to this podcast, and all who assisted in its production.

The song “Back to the Wall” was composed and performed by AMUNDA, and produced by AMUNDA with Kyle Startup (Instagram). It is a cover of the 1988 song by the Divinyls. You can follow AMUNDA on Instagram or listen to their music on Spotify, Apple or Soundcloud. If you love AMUNDA’s music, please consider buying it directly from BandCamp. Support indie, always.

Additional music provided by Julia Laws, of Ronboy, and you can follow them on Instagram or listen to their music on Spotify, Apple or SoundCloud. If you love Julia’s music, please consider buying it directly from BandCamp. Support indie, always.

The artwork was created by Regina Schneider, of Van Velden Studios. Regina’s work was featured in a billboard earlier this year as part of a Pussy Riot exhibition. You can follow Van Velden Studios on Instagram.

Super Punk Corporate Meltdown was produced by Kate Bailey (H&H Instagram / H&H Twitter) and Fanny Wandel (Instagram / Twitter) for Hand & Heart Media, the publishing arm of Hand & Heart GmbH. For any enquiries related to this broadcast, please email:


Image of the Super Punk Corporate Meltdown logo (yellow writing on a pink background) with the words "Sources & References" written below it.

Click the image to download the document.

A drawing of a curly haired woman's head with tears streaming down her face, with the words "Super Punk Corporate Meltdown" above her, and "Episode 0 – Culture & Context" under her head.  The words are pink on a yellow background.

Make it stand out

Episode Zero establishes the cultural landscape and chronological context required to tell the stories featured in the podcast. We address why we wanted to make the podcast, and our intention for those involved and those listening. We also speak with Ren Navarro about her work as a DE&I practitioner, consultant and beer professional within the craft beer industry. You can follow Ren on Instagram or Twitter, or read more about her work and company via her website. Exclusive and superfluous interjections in this episode include Jordan Peterson (Lobster Daddy), Beyonce (CEO of the Cultural Zeitgeist), Elon Musk, Dashboard Confessional and Metal Gear Solid.

A drawing of a curly haired woman's head with tears streaming down her face, with the words "Super Punk Corporate Meltdown" above her, and "Episode 1 – Discredit & Deny" under her head.  The words are yellow on a pink background.

Make it stand out

Episode One begins in January 2022, where our story kicks off with a company’s actions that begin to ripple across the community, and those impacted directly. We revisit historical examples of cultural issues and then follow the public events from February 2022 onwards, culminating in listeners first touch point with the notorious calamity of Quotegate.

A drawing of a curly haired woman's head with tears streaming down her face, with the words "Super Punk Corporate Meltdown" above her, and "Episode 2 – Invade & Intimidate" under her head.  The words are yellow on a pink background.

Make it stand out

Episode Two looks at the concept of abrasive leadership, exploring the implications for all stakeholders when an individual starts exhibiting traits of abrasive leadership. The forensic detailing of Quotegate continues, and we hear the lengths the community went to trying to clarify the issue. We hear about an example of corporate retaliation, not dissimilar to tactics employed by Harvey Weinstein or Tesla, who have notably used private investigators with former workers. We also hear what happens when diplomacy falls apart when confusion and mistrust set in.

A drawing of a curly haired woman's head with tears streaming down her face, with the words "Super Punk Corporate Meltdown" above her, and "Episode 3.2 - The Narrative" under her head.  The words are yellow on a pink background.


Episode Three point Two continues our discussion around the media. We discuss the difficulty the media seems to have when it comes to workplace issues, and the complexities that are not accounted for in some reporting about workplaces. Citing examples from recent months, we also assess the impact these difficulties can have on certain stakeholders.

A drawing of a curly haired woman's head with tears streaming down her face, with the words "Super Punk Corporate Meltdown" above her, and "Episode 4 - Cover Up & Cry Wolf" under her head.  The words are yellow on a pink background.

Make it stand out

Episode Four presents the results of matters that developed earlier in the timeline of our case study, and the nature and impacts of data breaches in anonymous surveys, and the implications that has for entities charged with independence from an embattled company.

A drawing of a curly haired woman's head with tears streaming down her face, with the words "Super Punk Corporate Meltdown" above her, and "Episode 5 - Truth Before Power" under her head.  The words are pink on a yellow background.

Make it stand out

Episode recaps the story so far, as well as detailing the status of any matters related to the case study discussed through the podcast. We reflect deeply on the pillars of workers rights, institutional betrayal and corporate retaliation and strive to summarise these pillars into the ecosystem of behaviour we can anticipate in a Super Punk Corporate Meltdown.

A drawing of a curly haired woman's head with tears streaming down her face, with the words "Super Punk Corporate Meltdown" above her, and "Episode 3.1 - Control" under her head.  The words are yellow on a pink background.

Make it stand out

Episode Three point One kicks off our lengthy analysis of how the media is utilised or seemingly weaponised as an apparatus of control in public debates around workplaces. We cover ground on inaccuracies in reporting, how a company could use social media and traditional publishing media to “socialwash” or “Boris Bus”, and syndication and distribution methods that can tip the scales in matters of public debate defined by power dynamics and resources. We discuss the impacts this can have. Fanny & Kate discuss some of their experiences dealing with the media in the last year.

Image of the Super Punk Corporate Meltdown logo (yellow writing on a pink background) with the words "Factual Claims & Notes" written below it.

Click the image to download the document.

Image of the Super Punk Corporate Meltdown logo (yellow writing on a pink background) with the words "Right of Reply incl. Q&A's" written below it.

Click the image to download the document.