Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution

Professional, experienced and affordable conflict management.


Mediation and Conflict Management

Mediation is an effective way to resolve workplace conflict. At Hand & Heart, we are dedicated to providing a safe, confidential and impartial service to help employers and employees resolve their disputes. We are experienced mediators trained in restorative practices, meaning that we work to identify underlying causes of conflict, and work with disputing parties to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement. Our approach ensures that conflicts are resolved in a respectful and constructive manner from which the parties can move forward in a positive way.

Colour photo of a light brown, wooden gavel photographed against a white background.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a way to resolve disputes outside of the court system. It is a private, voluntary process that is structured to provide efficient and cost-effective resolutions to disputes. ADR is often used in situations such as employment disputes, consumer complaints, and business disputes.

At Hand & Heart, we provide a range of alternative dispute resolution services across Europe. We are skilled mediators experienced in a variety of sectors, including employment, consumer, commercial and public sector.

Our mission is to create a fairer and more equitable conflict resolution process that is accessible to all. We believe that parties should have the opportunity to move forward in a positive way, by resolving their conflicts in a respectful and constructive manner. We are committed to working with both sides to identify the underlying causes of the conflict, and to develop an agreement that is satisfactory to all parties.

Black and white photograph of a game of Jenga.

We believe that by investing in preventative measures, employers can create a workplace that is resilient to conflict, and better equipped to handle disputes when they arise. We provide conflict management services, helping employers create workplaces free from disruptive conflict. Our services include:

  • Mediation and conflict resolution training

  • Developing conflict management policies and procedures

  • Providing advice on handling difficult conversations

  • Designing and facilitating conflict resolution workshops

  • Interviewing involved parties

  • Collecting evidence and gathering facts

  • Assessing credibility

  • Documenting findings and preparing reports

  • Recommending corrective action or solutions

  • Facilitating settlement negotiations

  • Providing mediation services

  • Reviewing settlement agreements and coordinating legal support


The Workplace Reconciliation Model

Through H&H’s innovative Reconciliation concept, employers and employees now have access to a modern and progressive alternative to traditional grievance, disciplinary and performance management procedures. Our concept offers a tailored solution to address workplace issues in a manner that is both fair and equitable. Our concept provides an opportunity to reach resolution, ensure compliance, whilst creating and fostering a culture of understanding and trust. Our innovative solution provides a practical and efficient way to address workplace conflict and promote a positive work environment.

In 2023 workplaces are discovering that traditional dispute resolution policies and procedures are not resolving issues effectively; instead, they often exacerbate situations by increasing tensions and breeding hostility. Recognising this widespread need for change, our founder and managing director Kate Bailey, developed the Workplace Reconciliation Model. This comprehensive framework gives workplaces the chance to divert the majority of workplace complaints, concerns and conflicts away from traditional HR processes and procedures.

Through our work, we have been changing the way organisations respond to a wide range of issues, with an emphasis on the restorative principles of mediation. We help enterprises cultivate a workplace culture that encourages positive and constructive behaviours by shifting to a more person-centred, solutions-focused approach. Early resolution methods such as mediation are instead used, focusing on addressing the underlying cause of such issues. Reconciliation also takes into account the need to consider the facts of what has occurred to bring about the need for reconciliation, and includes investigation and assessment.

As part of our evidence-based approach, we take the time to understand your current leadership, management, people and cultural challenges. By obtaining and analysing as much data as possible, we can create a comprehensive plan for change and development — using the reconciliation program not only as a tool for acknowledgement and mediation, but also as an opportunity to learn and grow.


How we deliver



We can offer you short or long-term support and deliver it via workshops, 1-on-1 coaching, team sessions, management sessions or as pre-defined education modules that can be delivered digitally or in-house.


We work interactively as we believe that the best way to learn is by doing, supported by expertise.


We also design our solutions with your long-term in mind – our work together is delivered digitally in reusable formats, so you can revisit it when needed and share our solutions when onboarding new employees.




Graphic of a phone with a telephone cord. A speech bubble with the letter "i" (for "information") is pointing to the microphone.